The build FULL of yard sale junk (and some of my art supplies, but mostly JUNK)

At least there is a path now! This should look VERY different by next week!

This may just be worse than last week, but it is this week's project.

Would it help if I said that this is where everything on it's way out sit before it gets gone?? But check out that fancy magic eraser mop --- I am so excited about that!!!

Still a disaster.

The bathroom sink, once again fit for human use!

The bathroom was this week's project. It went MUCH faster than the winter work. It's amaing how much floor space we have when the laundry is done!!

Bathroom shelves, some work left to be done, but it's functional.

The living room floor. A marked improvement. I' m not sure we'll ever get past the lived in look.

My one man wrecking crew. He's such a hamm.

One of my lasting improvements from the winter blitz. These house all of WALT's arts and crafts and he knows where everything goes!!

The laundry room. Not much difference, but I am caught up with my laundry!!

The bed has been made every day for a week. And yesterday it was stripped clean and had nice clean sheets and pillowcases put on. TRUE LIFE ALTERING PROGRESS. The box to the left is the latest to be added to the yard sale pile.

The bedroom floor. Nice huh? Now that it's clean, it's in obvious need of a paint job (this is WALT's baby room) WALT is voting to keep the red trim and paint the walls yellow. I am vetoing that motion. I have black laquer furniture that I am not willing to part with, so any ideas on a wall color?
Wall color like Light French Gray here: http://www.sherwin-williams.com/do_it_yourself/paint_colors/paint_color_palette/color_themes/interior/int_classic/ and do the fireplace in some faux stone work like http://www.paragondesignonline.com/images/mulligan-fireplace_002.jpg in the same kinds of colors.
Funny you should suggest gray, our bedroom in the old house was gray, which is why I decided I needed black furniture. I am definitely am going to do something out of "nature" and calm and serene. I have a hard enough time going to sleep w/o neon paint screaming at me.
ReplyDeleteI am still making the bed. new word record. The army didn't count because I never got under the sheets so I only made my bed once a week!!