Saturday, May 22, 2010


"They tried to make me go to rehab, I said NO NO NO!!!!"

Actually I would go, willingly, please someone send me to mess rehab!!!

As you can probably guess by the long absence, and the previous posting on facebook. I fell off the de cluttering bandwagon. I hit the big speed bump of being a single mom while Robert was in Florida, and by the time my ass stopped flipping over my head the wagon was out of sight.
Then came the federal review and after that the nice familiar feeling of helplessness.
Tammy came to the rescue, but again, and sent a very handy link of what to do when it all falls apart, and everybody knows how often things fall apart around here, and one of the steps was to just let it be for a minute. So I did.
But now I'm refocused, at least for the second, and starting to make in roads. The kitchen is back in sound working order, and it took a fraction of the first go round. So that is a small victory. The bathroom was attacked by a mixture of sand, dirt, leaves and quince fruits that WALT lovingly calls "slop" but that is a work in progress now as well. It is not such a novel notion this round. Its honestly more about time management and my total lack of skills in that department.
In truly unhappy news, my position is not being refunded next year and so I am mere weeks from unemployment, but I suppose that will temporarily give me more time to clean. So we'll keep looking on the bright side. . . . . does anyone else hear a Monty Python song in the background????
In small victory news, I did have the first yard sale and it was successful beyond my wildest dreams. I went into the sale with the single vision of "lightening the load" with whatever cash I had in hand at the end as a bonus. So I under priced everything. I'm sure there are some savvy yard sale shoppers still talking about the good deals they got. In fact two complete strangers insisted on paying me more than I asked for their items. The point was that it was going away and not going to be carried back into the storage building. The quarters and dollars added up however to a whopping $256. WOW, all for stuff i didn't need or even want.
I also took 2 boxes of clothing, 1 box of plastic hangers, and a large gift bag of worn but serviceable children's books to the local thrift store just yesterday.

Life is far from perfect and there are miles, as in 26 of the 26.3 miles of a marathon left to go, but I am running again, and for today, anyway, that's enough for me!!!


  1. If you're not focused on a yard sale as a source of income, it's amazing how easy it can be! Your strategy was just what it needed to be for your situation. Very excited for your surprise cash windfall!

    Keep it going. I hate to hear about the position, but something else will come along. Call it what you will, but I do believe all things happen for a reason!

  2. It was truly staggering how much stuff left, and then when I started counting the bills, it was like HEY!!!
    It was also an eye opener on how much of the stuff that was setting out there in the sun that I never really wanted in the first place that was either gift to me, or otherwise offered and I felt obligated to say yes. I need to do better on that one.

    yea, yea, the job thing is a drag. It isn't even so much losing the job, that's what happens to grant funded positions, it's the whole process of updating resumes and filling out applications. yuck, but it will all work out, or at least that is what everyone keeps telling me.
