Monday, May 16, 2011

And So It Has Begun (the massive remodel)

I am hoping to document this whole mad project in some type of coherent photographic sequence

As for a quick-ish explanation:  The beloved farmhouse is old and therefore drafty, cold and crooked.  The living room floor is particularly miserable in the winter, you can feel the $$$ slowly seeping out.  We had added two layers of insulation under the floor.  We also added a propane fireplace.  It is STILL frigid.
At the same time, the junk room black hole has become Slinky's emergency bathroom and the smell is unpleasant and impossible to completely nix.  The carpet is also the cheapest carpet ever made and poorly installed.  So with some careful budgeting and a sell at Lumber Liquidators, we became the proud owners of 1000 square feet of prefinish 12mm hard wood.  It was 47 boxes.  It took two loads in the pickup.  That was a long day.  My arms hurt.  There were massive piles of boxes everywhere.

We started in our bedroom:
Not like it needed it or anything.  the lovely red trim with the black laquer furniture.  The catch all of holidays, mismatched socks, and clothes in need of attention.
The color choice seemed so perfect when it was a 2 year old boys room.  But for the last year it has caused more than one restless night.  I may have created all his midnight terrors with this awful paint!!
But there are small pieces I will miss:
and this:
No one was more eager to help with WALT, and we started with ridding ourselves of the red:

Big Man got the high spots:

And by the end of Day 1, we were here:

If only it had stayed so simple, but that's for another post!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Descent into Chaos

Guess what is happening at my house????

pay careful attention to the ears . . . .